3 Ceramics and Food souvenirs you {Must Buy} in Salento

3 Ceramics and Food souvenirs you {Must Buy} in Salento

If you are planning a trip to Salento, in Apulia, ceramics and food are two authentic “Made in Italy” products that should be on top of your shopping list. Salento is the “heel” of the Italian “boot” and encompasses towns like Lecce, where you can admire amazing Baroque architectural monuments. Besides the cities, there is an array of beautiful little villages, surrounded by breathtaking beaches. Wandering in the narrow streets of Gallipoli, or Ostuni, you will find gorgeous linen, paper maché statues, wrought iron objects, and the typical Lecce stone productions, which is a particular kind of limestone. Given the variety of beautiful products made by small artisans in this region, it was not easy to pull together a list of “must buy” items for you. We think that ceramics and food are the best choices to take home for family and friends, and also unique souvenirs for yourself. Ready to discover our pick of the best ceramics and food products? Ceramics Ceramics works are a fundamental part of the Apulian craftsmanship tradition. Grottaglie is the most popular town to find ceramics, although shops and family workshops are scattered all around the Salento area. Ostuni, Polignano, San Pietro in Lama, Rutigliano, and Cutrofiano are just some of the other stops to do when traveling to Apulia. The typical decorations of the Apulian folk art represent prosperity, fruitfulness and life. Each object have also a function of good wishes, happiness and luck, and thus it is perfect to gift. The “Pumo” – or pine cone – is a colorful ceramic bud, usually placed in pairs at the ends of balconies,...

3 Tips to turn your House into a Luxury Home

3 Tips to turn your House into a Luxury Home

Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury. Coco Chanel 2019: New Year, new challenges and new good intentions to restyle our house. Your home is your luxury spot, and it is the ultimate place where you (should) feel comfortable. There is no need to escape to exclusive resorts in order to be surrounded by elegance and beauty. Instead, you can turn your house into a luxury home. Just achieve these three affordable resolutions and you will feel pampered throughout 2019. Make your home organized. Fill your home with the things that make you happy, and that you love.  I am sure that you have heard about the KonMari method of organizing spaces. The founder of this “new movement” is Marie Kondo and she is changing many lives with her tidying up and organizing show on Netflix. In eight-episodes she teaches how to save space and get rid of the clutter simply by gathering all your belongings category by category. Once you have done that, find the ones that spark joy to you and let the others go. You will be surprised by the power of transforming your apartment into a luxury space of serenity and inspiration. Take care of you, the things you love and the environment. The Laundress sells detergent and home cleaning products that are effective, eco-friendly and that have a sophisticated packaging and scents. Gwen and Lindsey’s little store in Soho (New York) is awesome. The buying experience, both in store and on line, is fabulous. Cleaning the house and doing the washing machine have never been such chic tasks. The Laundress products express...

Tablescape & Flower decor inspo for the Holidays

Tablescape & Flower decor inspo for the Holidays

The holiday season has already started. You’re probably planning several dinner parties and gatherings. You are thinking about how to decorate your home and how to make it beautiful and cozy. Though impressing your guests sometimes can be stressful, we will try to help you in this effort. Tablescape styling is an art. Therefore we’ve pulled together different styles that you may want to consider when setting an unforgettable holiday party table. In order to give you the best inspiration, we have partnered with a special artist. We are so excited to share this project with Barbara, floral artist and founder of F_L_O_V_V_E_R . Barbara is a Rome-based florist with a background in Art History and a master in contemporary art scene. Besides periodically creating florals for weddings and special events, Barbara holds workshops to explore the art of floral design and to experience floristry for its therapeutic value, so-called “Floral bathing workshop” . Now that we’re done with introductions, let’s start with some inspirations to turn your holiday occasions into very special moments. Create an unconventional contemporary tablescape Red is a traditional holiday color. Some people believe that it is too classic, and some other love it for their holiday table setting. Here we’ve completely challenged the traditional centerpiece design, combining it with a classic ceramic dinner set, Mosaico Rosso, handmade in Apulia by the famous artisan Nicola Fasano. Everything in this composition is unconventional, starting from the absence of the vase, replaced by a metal net where beautiful oak flowers are intertwined, and which recalls a gasholder industrial architecture. The red nuances of the plate and the oak...

Decorare la tavola con fiori e design esclusivi

Decorare la tavola con fiori e design esclusivi

Novembre, tempo di invitare gli amici a casa e di godersi il calore domestico in compagnia. Se fuori il mal tempo imperversa, prendersi cura dei nostri spazi diventa più che mai un modo di coccolarsi e di coccolare i nostri ospiti. La tavola diventa il luogo dove sbizzarrirci e dove creare mise en place ogni volta diverse, sia che si tratti di un aperitivo, o di un ape-cena alla moda, sia che si tratti di una classica cena organizzata con gli amici. In vista anche delle feste, abbiamo quindi pensato di chiamare una talentuosa artista dei fiori, Barbara Mattei, per aiutarci a creare tavole uniche e fuori dal consueto. Barbara vive e lavora a Roma, dove ha fondato lo studio FLOVVER. Ma vediamo di conoscerla un po’ più da vicino, e di vederla all’opera con tre dei nostri servizi scelti per l’occasione: Mosaico Rosso, Ritmo Urbano e Uovo. Barbara, come hai iniziato, e perchè hai scelto il nome FLOVVER per il tuo brand? Ho studiato arte all’università e lavorato diversi anni al fianco di artisti. Ai fiori e agli ingredienti vegetali mi sono avvicinata con grande timidezza quando vivevo a Berlino. Poi ho fatto un paio di esperienze importanti nelle Fiandre ed Inghilterra, dove ho appreso la tecnica fioristica e fatto tanta pratica. FLOVVER è nato nel 2017: ho scelto molto spontaneamente il nome perchè flower era il modo in cui mi chiamava papà da piccola. Si scrive con due V, semplicemente perchè non avrei mai trovato il dominio libero, ma si pronuncia comunque flower, come appunto fiore in inglese. Quali servizi proponi alla tua clientela? Direi semplicemente che...

Top 4 interior + fashion trends to put on your FW18 list

Top 4 interior + fashion trends to put on your FW18 list

We all know about the close relationship interior and fashion have and how they influence each other. So, the inspiration to write this post came by the words used to define the Fall/Winter 2018 trends, most of which are borrowed from the interior design dictionary: blanket, tapestry, patchwork, quilt, neon. Among all the trends, we’ve picked up four that can be matched together for an eclectic “personal style” result.   Leather and black From jackets to miniskirts, the leather mood recalling Matrix and Cat Woman will be a leitmotif of this Fall Winter. Black is back in interior design as well. Darker hues have been reconsidered for contemporary kitchens. Black furniture, black prints, black walls, finishes, and fixtures are being added here and there to pretty much everywhere in the house. Shirt and trouser Missoni; Linee Soup&Salad bowl; Loto Side plate Calvin Klein Fall/Winter 2018 Checks A tribute to Ralph Lauren 50th Anniversary. Plaid, Prince of Wales heritage, tartan and checks, in all their many forms, are key for the season. We will see a lot of  new Western style boots and throws in fashion, and similarly warm and country chic style in interior design.   Calvin Klein Fall/Winter 2018;  Ralph Lauren Home ; Quadrati side plate Patchwork Bright color palette, geometric shapes and bold mismatched colors are on stage this fall/winter. Furthermore pop-art patterns and high-tech textile inspire trench and raincoat. These are made of transparent PVC, latex, patent leather with a cool vinyl effect. Hence, in interior design, bold colors and geometric patterns can be incorporated in the design of your ceilings or floors, adding an eccentric style to your...


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