May42018by DishesOnly | News
Pink is a lifestyle. Pink icons have always populated our lives in fashion, design, style and even in drinks. Millennial pink is the latest trend. It is everywhere and, this graceful hue, is all about femininity and charme. It is the color of the moment in fashion and design. Just take a look at the last issue of Vogue living and Elle Decor. Shades of peony, blush, baby and rose quartz pink are all trending interior design features. It is very easy to incorporate one or more pink objects into your home, because pink matches any home styles and any room, both indoor and outdoor. Luxury home style High ceilings, velvet sofa, stunning entrance, convey an elegant and high-end style to your home. Pink adds warmth and glam to this dreamy atmosphere. Country chic home style Pastel pink and wood give a shabby chic touch to your space. Inside the kitchen you can paint a wall with a soft pink hue. For an al fresco dinner party, mix wooden chairs with a pompadour canapé and add rose carnations and buttercups. Vintage home style Pink leather couch, a cozy chic tray for an aperitivo by the pool, and black and white pictures on the wall. Complete this classy look with an adorable white poodle Eclectic home style Follow your desires and your personal style. Give an exotic bohemian touch to your home. Add colors to your patio with printed Moroccan-style throw pillows. Indoor, flamingo are replacing the unicorn as interior trends. Use modern materials as resin for your bowls and trays, with clean lines and organic...
Apr62018by DishesOnly | News
Blue is a versatile color: it can match with every color (as black does too). It is associated with harmony and creates a comfy vibe wherever it is used. Blue is the “king” of colors for vases, plates and artistic objects, from the ancient times up to now. So, check out our suggestions to add blue into your home and make it chic and unique. Make a great contrast with pink Pink brings light to a blue space. If you have a blue couch, use a neutral rug, or plants, to create a cozy space. White elements are a perfect combination to add freshness and joy to the room. Add yellow accents in your living room Blue and yellow create the perfect contrast in your modern or retro home. Resin tableware can be the right choice to match a vintage velvet sofa, as well as a modern fabric chair. Breakfast in bed Blue creates a relaxing vibe that is perfect for your sleep. It is also a perfect color for layering. So add white pillows, grey covers, vanilla sheets in your bedroom to give it a warm feeling. We suggest to have your breakfast served in this adorable small porcelain bowls. Add neutral colors for a summer feeling Beige, old lace and ivory blend in great with blue, recalling the sand with the sea. For a stylish summer feeling we suggest textile textures in lavender, amethyst, and green. Use handmade ceramic plates to set an al fresco party, surrounded by a beautiful Mediterranean bougainvillea. Give an artistic touch to your dining...
Feb42018by DishesOnly | News
Guardiamo incantate le loro foto e i loro profili social. Ci immaginiamo che vivano sempre in una favola, in posti incantevoli, viaggiando di qua e di là, invitate ad inaugurazioni, cene e locali splendidi da recensire. Fuori dal jet set, nella “normalità”, spesso sono arrampicate su scale cigolanti per cogliere lo scatto migliore, sono di corsa per non perdere la luce perfetta, sotto stress per consegnare i servizi agli editori, nel panico per come inserire un ingrediente in una ricetta. Quali sono allora i segreti e le abitudini di alcune tra le più famose food blogger in Italia? Tante sono le curiosità sul loro stile di vita e sul loro lavoro. Per evitare lunghe interviste abbiamo chiesto ad alcune di loro di rispondere a quelle domande che tutte noi ci chiediamo osservando dall’esterno il loro lavoro. Cosa fanno al mattino quando si svegliano e prima di andare a dormire? In quale momento della giornata cucinano e quanto tempo impiegano ad allestire il set fotografico e a scegliere lo styling? Ma soprattutto: dove va a finire tutto il ben di Dio che immortalano sublimamente??? Ed ecco le loro risposte. 1. A colazione: la calma è un must, come il caffè. Colazione con calma: acqua e limone, yogurt naturale con fiocchi di avena, caffè. Nei weekend ancora più con calma, con giornale, pane buono con burro e marmellata! Colazione con calma, per causa di forza maggiore. Per i primi 20 minuti da quando mi alzo dal letto non sono in grado nemmeno di riconoscermi allo specchio… Colazione con calmissima: sono una early riser e, anche se mi alzo immediatamente dal letto,...
Jan122018by DishesOnly | News
A new year has just begun and we are already invaded by compelling trends and must haves that will characterized the year 2018, not only in fashion and home décor, but also in food, health, technologies, travel and our daily life. According to the most reputed media and research institutes, in 2018 women will hold key roles in politics, as well as in businesses. The #metoo revolution will redefine the relationship with males. We will shop from our self-driving cars. Thanks to the progresses of augmented reality (AR), we’ll visualize furniture in our home before buying them. We will plan a trip around the moon with our space travel agent, and, through Blockchain, we will pay with Bitcoins. We will go jogging in the morning and get alerts from our shoes to go and pick up our son at school. This is only one of the IoT applications. Back at home, we will find all the house cleaned and dinner served by our friendly “Bot”. He will ask us about our day and chat about the latest news on the paper. Research in the artificial intelligence (AI) field will flourish like never before. Mushrooms and purple sweet potatoes (Ultra Violet!) will be the new trends in food, obviously produced in our neighborhood urban farm, with no OGM. And what about tableware trends? The award-winning star of 2018 is Pantone Ultra Violet. It is everywhere. At DishesOnly we could not be unprepared for this latest trend. This is our curated selection of items for a stunning 2018 table setting. Modern or retro? Choose your style! Trendy in dining: Zoo platter: Acqua...
Dec292017by DishesOnly | News
December is a time of assessment. We all think about what we have achieved and what we could have done better. We go through the ups and downs of the past year. There were times when we wanted to close the Company because of poor sales, and times when we received an appreciation from a customer and we thought that we should have gone on. This short post is meant to thank all our customers and followers who have supported us during 2017. A big thanks to our blogger partners and friends, in particular to: Alice, Saghar, Giulia, Cristina, Alessandro. A special mention to Barbara and Rossella. We decided to use some images, which are more powerful then words, to remember this year and to express our gratitude. We have selected some of the pictures that you have most liked on our Instagram and Facebook profile. Twelve photos, one for each month, to celebrate the “best of 2017” collection. Almost every day, we shared love for handmade products and beauty through our social media post and blogs. We tried to make you feel happy and relaxed, surrounded by dreamy table settings and cozy atmospheres. We believe that one could understand what beauty really is only when elegance is added to it. This is what we look and work for. This is our aim for the year 2018. Wishing you and your Family a fun and colorful 2018, full of beauty and love. Follow your dream and follow DishesOnly !! Featured Image by...
Dec112017by DishesOnly | News
Indovina cosa regalo a cena? Eccoci al fatidico “momento della verità” di inizio dicembre. Siamo alle porte dell’inverno ma soprattutto siamo in quel momento dell’anno in cui non si possono più oggettivamente ignorare nastrini, lustrini, luminarie, rami d’abete, sfere scintillanti, libri Hygge, maglioni di lana con le renne o con le trecce, e fra un po’ anche qualche babbo natale appeso ai nostri (o altrui ;)) balconi! Insomma, è Natale!!! E’ Natale e l’eterno dilemma (o anche il piacere!) di cosa regalare a chi. se non siamo partiti un tantinello per tempo, ci assale. Noi, un po’ per divertirci, un po’ per “sdrammatizzare”, abbiamo immaginato alcune “situazioni – regalo – tipo”, ovvero delle tipologie (ovviamente descritte in modo scherzoso e, appunto, “tipizzato”) a cui associare (come ti sbagli? ;-P) alcuni dei nostri piatti!!! Quindi, primissima cosa, vediamo se abbiamo azzeccato i piatti, e seconda, voi, cosa regalereste e a chi, per cena (e soprattutto per Natale)? Per l’inguaribile romantica L’amica dolcissima, capace di sognare e attenta alle piccole cose, che crede nella gentilezza d’animo ed è sempre pronta ad aiutare.. photo credits: Federica Beni RICAMO – Elegant Ceramic Dinner Set Per l’irriducibile latin lover Nessuna riesce mai ad acciuffarlo davvero… Lui non si lascia prendere! Ovviamente, da bravo latin lover, sa cucinare benissimo.. RISOTTO – Stainless Steel Casserole CIOCCOLATO – Chocolate Color Ceramic Serving Bowl Per l’intellettuale Sempre preso dai suoi libri e dalle sue letture. Ma provate a mettergli davanti un bel piatto di pasta fumante… O di pizza! ;-P CAPRICCIO – Hand-Made Ceramic Serving Platter Per l’amica super fashion Eh, qui è difficile.. Perchè lei ha gusto...